The Gallifreyan Scribe

This is home site of the Gallifreyan Scribe - a transcriber application for generating text in circular gallifreyan by Loren Sherman. It can generate words and sentences from given inputs and export results as a .png, .jpg or .bmp file.


the Gallifreyan Scribe was developed with PCs and laptops in mind, therefore it is very likely that it won't work on mobile devices.

Creating gallifreyan writings

The Gallifreyan Scribe has many options controlling how the produced result looks. You can choose to generate whole sentence or standalone word. Then write text into text field and pick your options:

  • use raw input - when this box is checked application doesn't perform input preprocessing, which allows for better control over resulting image but requires input in very specific format. When using raw input make sure you use only lowercase letters and there is no whitespace before punctuaction characters. The uppercase letters C, G, P, S, T, W might be used to include special characters for digraphs of CH, GH, PH, SH, TH, WH respectively. In the same manner capital letters N and Q stands for NG and QU bigraphs. You can also use _ (underscore) sign to separate letters which in other case would be attached together (like vowels are attached to consonants).
  • Remove unidentified symbols - generator will remove from input any unknown character instead of replacing it with blank placeholder glyph.
  • Enable # ligatures - when selected generator will combine any ocurrence of bigraphs defined in circular gallifreyan with their combined version.

Options below are always used and are independent of using the raw input:

  • Enable vowel ligatures - when selected vowels will be attached to preceeding consonants.
  • Double identical vowels - when enabled consecutive ocurrences of the same vowel will be combined into doubled letter according to rules in guide to circular gallifreyan.
  • Merge vowels with same stem - will merge vowels of the same type together.
  • Double identical consonants - when enabled consecutive ocurrences of the same consonat will be combined into doubled letter according to rules in guide to circular gallifreyan.
  • Merge consonats with same stem - will merge consonants of the same type together.

To connect two shapes (letters, words or sentences) with line simply select both objects and use Add > New Line from menu bar. If only one object is selected both ends of the line will be placed on it. If selected object already has the Endpoint decoration which is not connected to any line it will be use, otherwise new endpoint decoration is created.

You can also create empty words and sentences and add decorations to them.

Exporting your work

When you are happy with your result you can use File > Export > Image to export it to image. When exporting you may choose the image format (.png, .jpg or .bmp) or leave it at the default value, which will pick correct format from file extension. Then it is neccessary to provide name for your image and its size in pixels. Viewport origin contains coordinates (in scene units) of your writings center (in most cases it will be the default value). Viewport half extent is how many scene units are in shorter side of the image (when exporting single word or sentence it should be sligthly bigger that objects radius).

Supported letters

The Gallifreyan Scribe currently supports only these characters:

  • space:
  • base latin characters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
  • specified in circular gallifreyan bigraphs for CH, GH, NG, PH, QU, SH, TH, WH
  • basic puntuation: ! ? : ; , . " ' -
  • vowels and some consonants with accent acute marks: á, é, í, ó, ú, ć, ĺ, ń, ѓ, ś, ź
  • vowels with grave accent marks: à, è, ì, ò, ù
  • vowels with umlaut: ä, ë, ï, ö, ü

Questions, bugs and contact

In case of any questions, bugs or features requests please leave a comment down below or contact me at


Gallifreyan Scribe for Windows v1.0.0 2.1 MB
Gallifreyan Scribe for Linux v1.0.0 1 MB

Development log

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